Forest resources

Poland is among the European countries with the largest forest area. Its forest cover index, that is the percentage of the area covered by forests in the country's total land area, is 29.7%. The average standing volume of forests in Poland is 206 square metres per hectare, almost twice higher than the average for the whole Europe.


If not natural, the forest is planted by foresters. Silviculture is one of the primary objectives of forest management. Sustainable and diversified forest management in is based on the forest management plan. Its goal is to ensure the biological diversity, productivity, ability to regenerate, proper life span and correct ecological functions of the forest. The plan has to comply with the conditions and processes of nature.

Forest protection

The knowledge of natural processes and the control of forest environment allow the foresters for an early diagnosis of dangers that may have a negative impact on the condition of forest. Every year, the foresters take actions to preserve forest life and increase its natural resistance to damage-causing factors.

Forest use

Forest utilisation means primarily the planned harvesting of wood in amounts that do not exceed forest productive capability.

Forest management

Forest management is regulated by the state.


Hunting is an element of environment protection, as defined by the Hunting Law ("Prawo Łowieckie") of 1995. Game animals (20% of mammal species and 12% of bird species occurring in Poland) are a national good and a property of the Polish Treasury.